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開幕禮:我們的故事 — 序

開幕禮:我們的故事 — 序

每七名香港人中就有一位在一生中會經歷常見精神健康困擾。然而,我們在 2021 年間進行的消除污名調查發現,並發現 46% 受訪者認為精神疾病的主要原因是缺乏自律和意志力。參加我們為期一天的線上個人故事分享「我們的精神健康故事:由我們發聲 再見污名」的開幕活動,屆時將會由 Mind HK 臨床顧問和 Mind HK 大使一起介紹及分享有關最常見的精神健康狀況與經歷。 1 in 7 in Hong Kong will experience a common mental health disorder at any given time. And yet, according to our 2021 research on antistigma, 46% of respondents believe that the main cause of mental illness is a lack of self-discipline and willpower. Join us in as we celebrate and commence our one-day virtual storytelling event, Our Mental Health Stories: Speaking Up Against Stigma, followed by a brief introduction of the most common diagnosable mental health conditions from a Mind HK Clinical Advisor and a brief sharing from a Mind HK Ambassador on having experienced some of the most common mental health conditions. ===== 面對有關精神健康的問題可以很困難,甚至可能會令人出現複雜且難受的情緒。雖然不容易,但這些話題十分值得我們討論。如有需要,請隨時暫停參與是次分享,好好照顧自己。如果你正在經歷精神健康困擾,請記住你無需獨自面對。我們鼓勵你尋找專業協助,希望接下來心聆大使們的分享能為你帶來復元的希望。 Mental health and mental health problems can be complex and at times may bring up difficult feelings. As difficult as it may be at times, we feel it is a conversation worth having. Please take care and pause the session at anytime if you need to. For anyone out there who may be struggling please know that you are not alone, and please seek help, as recovery is very much possible as you will hear from our ambassadors today. 社會現有的緊急協助服務列表 A list of available urgent support: 精神健康 A-Z Mental Health A to Z 由本地 NGO 提供的精神健康服務列表 A list of mental health services provided by local NGOs: 如何在香港尋找協助 Seeking help in Hong Kong:
Welcome  The Prologue of Our Stories

Welcome The Prologue of Our Stories

每七名香港人中就有一位在一生中會經歷常見精神健康困擾。然而,我們在 2021 年間進行的消除污名調查發現,並發現 46% 受訪者認為精神疾病的主要原因是缺乏自律和意志力。參加我們為期一天的線上個人故事分享「我們的精神健康故事:由我們發聲 再見污名」的開幕活動,屆時將會由 Mind HK 臨床顧問和 Mind HK 大使一起介紹及分享有關最常見的精神健康狀況與經歷。 1 in 7 in Hong Kong will experience a common mental health disorder at any given time. And yet, according to our 2021 research on antistigma, 46% of respondents believe that the main cause of mental illness is a lack of self-discipline and willpower. Join us in as we celebrate and commence our one-day virtual storytelling event, Our Mental Health Stories: Speaking Up Against Stigma, followed by a brief introduction of the most common diagnosable mental health conditions from a Mind HK Clinical Advisor and a brief sharing from a Mind HK Ambassador on having experienced some of the most common mental health conditions. ===== 面對有關精神健康的問題可以很困難,甚至可能會令人出現複雜且難受的情緒。雖然不容易,但這些話題十分值得我們討論。如有需要,請隨時暫停參與是次分享,好好照顧自己。如果你正在經歷精神健康困擾,請記住你無需獨自面對。我們鼓勵你尋找專業協助,希望接下來心聆大使們的分享能為你帶來復元的希望。 Mental health and mental health problems can be complex and at times may bring up difficult feelings. As difficult as it may be at times, we feel it is a conversation worth having. Please take care and pause the session at anytime if you need to. For anyone out there who may be struggling please know that you are not alone, and please seek help, as recovery is very much possible as you will hear from our ambassadors today. 社會現有的緊急協助服務列表 A list of available urgent support: 精神健康 A-Z Mental Health A to Z 由本地 NGO 提供的精神健康服務列表 A list of mental health services provided by local NGOs: 如何在香港尋找協助 Seeking help in Hong Kong:


我們從 2021 年的研究發現, 37% 受訪者表示對於與經歷精神問題困擾的人士居住在同一住宅區內的想法感到害怕——反映出香港圍繞精神健康的的污名問題的嚴重性,但是此現象既諷刺卻不令人驚訝。圍繞精神病患者的污名與負面觀感使人更抗拒主動接受精神健康協助,使他們的復元之路更難行。一起聆聽 Mind HK 大使 Jeff、Coby、Claudia、Jonathan 和 Hafsa 分別關於躁狂抑鬱症、焦慮症、抑鬱症和注意力不足及過過度活躍症的精神健康故事,以及他們如何面對和克服圍繞精神健康的污名。 37% of respondents from our research in 2021 considered it frightening to think of people with mental health problems living in residential neighborhoods, a stark but unfortunately unsurprising insight on the level of stigma in Hong Kong. Stigmatising views on people with mental health conditions make it more difficult for anyone to seek help for their mental health, creating challenges and barriers for recovery. Join us in listening to our Mind HK Ambassadors Jeff, Coby, Claudia, Jonathan and Hafsa’s lived experience mental health stories on bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, depression and ADHD and how they faced and overcame mental health stigma. ===== 面對有關精神健康的問題可以很困難,甚至可能會令人出現複雜且難受的情緒。雖然不容易,但這些話題十分值得我們討論。如有需要,請隨時暫停參與是次分享,好好照顧自己。如果你正在經歷精神健康困擾,請記住你無需獨自面對。我們鼓勵你尋找專業協助,希望接下來心聆大使們的分享能為你帶來復元的希望。 Mental health and mental health problems can be complex and at times may bring up difficult feelings. As difficult as it may be at times, we feel it is a conversation worth having. Please take care and pause the session at anytime if you need to. For anyone out there who may be struggling please know that you are not alone, and please seek help, as recovery is very much possible as you will hear from our ambassadors today. 社會現有的緊急協助服務列表 A list of available urgent support: 精神健康 A-Z Mental Health A to Z 由本地 NGO 提供的精神健康服務列表 A list of mental health services provided by local NGOs: 如何在香港尋找協助 Seeking help in Hong Kong:
細聽我說故事 –  擁抱神經多元的自己 Hear my voices – Embracing myself as a Neurodivergent Person

細聽我說故事 – 擁抱神經多元的自己 Hear my voices – Embracing myself as a Neurodivergent Person

接受精神疾病診斷本身並不容易,對於神經多元人士的挑戰則更大。參與 Mind HK 大使 Claudia 的分享環節一起探討作為神經多元人士在精神健康旅程中所面臨的挑戰和見解。 Receiving a mental health diagnosis can be a difficult moment on its own. But receiving a mental health diagnosis can pose particularly challenges for a neurodivergent person. Join us with Claudia, Mind HK Ambassadors, as we discuss the challenges and unique perspectives that they have navigating through their mental health journey as a neurodivergent person. ===== 面對有關精神健康的問題可以很困難,甚至可能會令人出現複雜且難受的情緒。雖然不容易,但這些話題十分值得我們討論。如有需要,請隨時暫停參與是次分享,好好照顧自己。如果你正在經歷精神健康困擾,請記住你無需獨自面對。我們鼓勵你尋找專業協助,希望接下來心聆大使們的分享能為你帶來復元的希望。 Mental health and mental health problems can be complex and at times may bring up difficult feelings. As difficult as it may be at times, we feel it is a conversation worth having. Please take care and pause the session at anytime if you need to. For anyone out there who may be struggling please know that you are not alone, and please seek help, as recovery is very much possible as you will hear from our ambassadors today. 社會現有的緊急協助服務列表 A list of available urgent support: 精神健康 A-Z Mental Health A to Z 由本地 NGO 提供的精神健康服務列表 A list of mental health services provided by local NGOs: 如何在香港尋找協助 Seeking help in Hong Kong:
如果你想講,我一直會在。 If you want to talk, I’m here

如果你想講,我一直會在。 If you want to talk, I’m here

我們希望無人需要獨自走過自己的精神健康旅程。我們身邊總有至親經歷精神健康困擾,而我們也會在旁與他們同行。我們邀請了 Mind HK 大使 Erica 與她的母親一起展開對話,討論從接受診斷以至復元的過程中至親所扮演著的重要角色。 We hope that mental health journeys are rarely taken alone. Oftentimes, people have a loved one who has also experienced various aspects of their mental health journey with them. We are inviting our Mind HK Ambassador Erica and her mom to have a candid conversation on what it was like to go through different chapters of her mental health story – from both of their perspectives. They will also discuss the role of support from a loved one and what they’ve learned from one another along the way. ===== 面對有關精神健康的問題可以很困難,甚至可能會令人出現複雜且難受的情緒。雖然不容易,但這些話題十分值得我們討論。如有需要,請隨時暫停參與是次分享,好好照顧自己。如果你正在經歷精神健康困擾,請記住你無需獨自面對。我們鼓勵你尋找專業協助,希望接下來心聆大使們的分享能為你帶來復元的希望。 Mental health and mental health problems can be complex and at times may bring up difficult feelings. As difficult as it may be at times, we feel it is a conversation worth having. Please take care and pause the session at anytime if you need to. For anyone out there who may be struggling please know that you are not alone, and please seek help, as recovery is very much possible as you will hear from our ambassadors today. 社會現有的緊急協助服務列表 A list of available urgent support: 精神健康 A-Z Mental Health A to Z 由本地 NGO 提供的精神健康服務列表 A list of mental health services provided by local NGOs: 如何在香港尋找協助 Seeking help in Hong Kong:
伴我走過復元之路 焦慮和抑鬱  Living in Recovery Anxiety and Depression

伴我走過復元之路 焦慮和抑鬱 Living in Recovery Anxiety and Depression

你有否曾對別人的焦慮和抑鬱復元經歷感到好奇嗎?我們收集了一些大眾就焦慮症和抑鬱症的復元過程所提出的問題。歡迎參與我們的討論,收聽 Mind HK 大使 Annissa 和 Lalin 分享他們的精神健康故事和解答你們的疑問,藉此能夠消除香港的精神健康污名,讓大眾更了解這兩種最常見的精神健康狀況。 Have you ever wanted to ask someone what it was like recovering from anxiety and depression? We have collected questions from the public on what they want to learn about with recovery from anxiety and depression. Join us as our ambassadors, Annissa and Lalin, share their mental health story and help answer some of the questions that you’ve asked in hopes of destigmatising mental health in Hong Kong and improving awareness around the two most common mental health conditions. ===== 面對有關精神健康的問題可以很困難,甚至可能會令人出現複雜且難受的情緒。雖然不容易,但這些話題十分值得我們討論。如有需要,請隨時暫停參與是次分享,好好照顧自己。如果你正在經歷精神健康困擾,請記住你無需獨自面對。我們鼓勵你尋找專業協助,希望接下來心聆大使們的分享能為你帶來復元的希望。 Mental health and mental health problems can be complex and at times may bring up difficult feelings. As difficult as it may be at times, we feel it is a conversation worth having. Please take care and pause the session at anytime if you need to. For anyone out there who may be struggling please know that you are not alone, and please seek help, as recovery is very much possible as you will hear from our ambassadors today. 社會現有的緊急協助服務列表 A list of available urgent support: 精神健康 A-Z Mental Health A to Z 由本地 NGO 提供的精神健康服務列表 A list of mental health services provided by local NGOs: 如何在香港尋找協助 Seeking help in Hong Kong:
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