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What does therapy look like? – Perspectives from the inside and out 心理治療是怎麼樣的?— 從多角度看心理治療

想更了解心理治療是怎樣的嗎?參與我們即將舉行的線上分享活動,與我們的心聆大使和同事們一起討論治療過程的不同角度和經歷吧! Have you ever wondered what therapy is like? Join our free virtual event to hear from ambassadors and Mind HK colleagues to gain insights into what the process looks like.

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What does therapy look like? – Perspectives from the inside and out 心理治療是怎麼樣的?— 從多角度看心理治療
What does therapy look like? – Perspectives from the inside and out 心理治療是怎麼樣的?— 從多角度看心理治療

Time & Location

2023年1月18日 下午6:30 – 下午7:30


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Therapy is still a mystery to most of us seeking treatment. Have you ever wondered what happens in a therapy session? How does it work? Will it be suitable for you?

Therapy sessions can seem daunting, especially for first-timers, but knowing what to expect from the therapy can make it less stressful for you. Let’s hear from us and those with lived experiences.

Co-hosted by Mind HK’s More Than A Label and our Youth Wellbeing Practitioner (YWP) programme, the sharing event will feature an in-depth conversation covering all these questions you might have about going to therapy, along with our Mind HK ambassadors who will share their personal experiences and how therapy has helped them throughout their journey of recovery.

The Mind HK and MINDSET Youth Wellbeing Practitioner (YWP) programme is a youth mental health initiative designed and developed by Mind HK, aiming to make mental health support more accessible by training new therapists (YWPs) to provide free, evidence-based mental health support to young people between 12-24 in Hong Kong. We are pleased to announce that free mental health support sessions are now available online, for young people aged 18-24 to receive support from the comfort of their own. Tune in to the sharing to learn more about online therapy as a flexible, convenient alternative to in-person sessions.

Whether you are struggling to seek treatment for your mental health challenges or looking for ways to support your friends and families who are facing such challenges, you are welcome to join us in this sharing session to unlock all your mysteries about therapy, and as a guide to finding the treatment suitable for your needs.

活動詳情 Event details:

日期 & 時間 Date & Time: 2023 年1月18日 ( 星期三 Wednesday ) 6:30PM - 7:30PM (香港時間 HKT)

模式 Mode : Zoom Live Event

主持 Moderator: Karen Lau (Mind HK Clinical Advisor 香港心聆臨床顧問 )

嘉賓 Guest: Annissa (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador ) ,Coby (心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador ) 和 Rachel Wong ( 香港心聆YWP & PWP 助理項目經理 Mind HK Assistant Programme Manager (YWP and PWP))

語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese 

嘉賓 Guest:

Annissa, 心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador:

Annissa 在成長過程面對精神健康問題,並一直處於從焦慮症和抑鬱中復元之路。她希望可以透過自己的聲音,為那些正感到困擾、被誤解、被忽略或被忽視的人發聲。 她希望能以身作則,向大眾展示勇敢分享自己的故事的力量 。

Annissa is no stranger to mental health growing up, living in recovery with anxiety and depression. She hopes to be a voice for people who are struggling, feeling misunderstood, unheard or not seen. She wants to lead by example and show how transformative it is to share your story.

Coby, 心聆大使 Mind HK Ambassador:

Coby 曾是一名會計師,現在於一所精神科宿舍提供精神健康支援。她在 2018 年被診斷出躁狂抑鬱症,現在是復元後的第三年。她創意非凡,並熱愛畫水彩畫、西餐烹飪和打理園藝。她的夢想是透過自身經歷來啟發他人,消除圍繞精神疾病的污名。

Coby is a former Accountant and now works as a Mental Health Support Worker at a psychiatric hostel. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2018 and has been living in recovery for 3 years. She has a creative mind and enjoys watercolour painting, western cooking and gardening. Her dream is to use her experience to inspire others and reduce the stigma of mental illness.

Rachel Wong, YWP & PWP 助理項目經理 Mind HK Assistant Programme Manager (YWP and PWP)

Rachel 於 2021 年 3 月加入香港心聆並成為青少年情緒輔導員(Youth Wellbeing Practitioner; YWP)項目的統籌主任,主力協助持份者參與、項目預算及整體的項目管理。她在香港的私人和非牟利機構工作超過四年,擁有國際及本地項目管理的經驗,過去的工作是在一間香港非牟利機構出任助理項目經理。因曾目睹未受治療的精神健康問題為朋友及家人所帶來的影響,Rachel 致力於提高精神健康問題的關注,並希望鼓勵更多對話以去除精神健康問題的污名。

Rachel joined Mind HK in March 2021 and serves as the Youth Wellbeing Practitioner Programme Service Coordinator, where she assists with stakeholder engagement, budgeting and overall project management. Rachel brings over four years of experience managing international and local projects in both the private and public sector in Hong Kong, with her previous job as an Assistant Program Manager at a local NGO. Having seen the impact that untreated mental health issues can have on friends and family, Rachel is committed to raising awareness of mental health issues and creating more conversation to help destigmatise mental health issues.

Karen Lau, 臨床顧問 Clinical Advisor, PWP

Karen 於 2021 年八月加入香港心聆成為臨床顧問之一。她是一位臨床心理學家,曾在各亞太區學府(新加坡國立大學、香港大學、澳洲國立大學)接受心理學的專業培訓。她曾在新加坡及香港的臨床心理學診所、醫院和社區支援中心為不同文化國籍的人士提供服務,尤善於幫助青少年和成人。

她的專長包括治療各種焦慮症、慣性自我傷害、高度情緒失調和人格障礙。為幫助患者克服這些挑戰,Karen 採用全面的實證為本治療(Evidence-based treatment)包括: 認知行為治療(CBT) 、辯證行為治療(DBT)、接受與承諾治療(ACT)、慈悲焦點治療(CFT) 、敘事治療(Narrative Therapy)和基模治療(Schema Therapy)。

除了診症外,她也擔任無國界醫生的精神健康顧問,也是新加坡新躍社科大學心理學科的講師。Karen 將大多時間投放至人道工作之中。她曾與肯亞、迦納、馬達加斯加、蒙古、中國內地以及菲律賓進行人道救援工作。她亦曾與聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)一同致力爭取香港及菲律賓兒童的權益。Karen 致力將對人道工作的熱誠與臨床技巧結合,幫助其他人學習、療癒和成長。

Karen joined Mind HK as a Clinical Advisor in August 2021. She is a Clinical Psychologist who has received her psychology training in institutions across the Asia-Pacific region (NUS, HKU and ANU) so as to better serve people facing challenges in these unique contexts.

Karen has a special interest in supporting adults and youths who struggle with specific anxiety disorders. Her expertise also extends to conditions relating to chronic self-harm, complex PTSD, and BPD. In helping her clients overcome these challenges, Karen applies comprehensive evidence-based treatments including CBT, DBT, ACT, Compassion Focused Therapy, Narrative Therapy and Schema Therapy.

Apart from her clinical work, Karen is serving Médecins Sans Frontières as a Mental Health Supervisor overseeing psychosocial projects. She is also a Visiting Lecturer in Psychology at the Singapore University of Social Sciences. Karen dedicates much of her time to humanitarian work. She has served in Kenya, Ghana, Madagascar, Mongolia, Mainland China and the Philippines. With UNICEF, she has also advocated for children’s welfare in Hong Kong and the Philippines. Karen is devoted to combining her love for humanitarian work and clinical skills to help others learn, heal and grow.


More about our Youth Wellbeing Practitioner Programme:

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